A Safe and Fun Shopping Get-a-Way
Our highest priority is providing you a safe and fun shopping experience at Remarkable Things and Home. After that, we want to ensure you receive the same fantastic service and handmade products you have come to expect from us.
We look forward to seeing all our friends, familiar (but masked) faces, and new visitors coming through our doors.
Before Opening
• Thorough cleaning will happen before and after retail hours every day.
• All our staff will do a health screening and temperature check before we allow them to work.
• All staff will wear masks while inside the store.
• Staff will also continue with frequent and vigorous hand washing throughout the day.
During the Day
• We sanitize with steam or approved products throughout the day on high touch surfaces. This includes credit card machines, jewelry counters, doorknobs, clothing, and furniture.
• To support social distancing guidelines, we now limit the number of people inside to our posted 50% capacity. We also have walking direction arrows on the floor.
• For both staff and visitors: If you have any COVID or flu symptoms, please do not come in.
• We are asking all customers to wear a mask while in our shop. If you forget your mask, we are happy to provide you one. We also have a nice collection of special mask designs you can purchase for yourself or as gifts.
• We also request all clients and staff use our provided hand sanitizer when they enter.
• Please wait in the entryway if you see several people inside.
• Credit or debit payments are encouraged.
• We do offer curbside pickup by calling ahead (802-253-4693) or placing an order online.
• Our web manager and staff have upgraded our website with enhanced navigation, more products and a smooth, quick checkout system. You can also request curbside pick up and complimentary gift wrapping.

Masked staff inside Remarkable Things holding jars of food they will put in a donation box for the Waterbury Area Food Shelf.
Additional Precautions
• We have installed an oversized sneeze guard across the checkout counter, a credit card machine that customers can use with limited touches, new HEPA grade air purifiers, and created an enclosed entryway/waiting area if the store is at capacity.
• Our public restrooms are now closed. We apologize for the inconvenience. (There are public restrooms at the gas station next door and alongside the Mercantile building on Main Street.)
We hope to see you soon!
-Your Remarkable Staff